Contact Us

Address all membership and other information concerning the Rural Sociological Society to the following email address: [email protected]

If you would like us to share announcements (calls for papers, job postings and the like) with our members, as related to rural sociology, email the RSS Business Office with all information you would like dispersed. If relevant, we will post the announcement on our site, monthly eBulletin, and social media platforms.

Scott R. Sanders and Michael R. Cope are co-Executive Directors of RSS. You can contact Scott, Michael, and the RSS Business Office via the following.

Rural Sociological Society
2053 JFSB
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

[email protected]

RSS Promotional Pieces 

General Piece

Student/Young Professional Piece

Printing information:

  • Stock: 100#
  • Cut Size: 8.5 x 3.667
  • Color, Two-sided, bleed